Hi I’m Sally!  I love greeting and spending time with the community of people we see – I’m not at all biased, but we have the most wonderful people come through our doors!

I have received chiropractic care myself for many years and I am always learning so much more about health and Chiropractic. I love sharing your journey with you and supporting you to get the most out of your care. I am passionate about health and wellbeing and supporting our bodies in the best possible way to achieve our optimum life.

When not working at the practice I am a mum of 3 sporty children. I love to move and keep fit myself whether that be through walking (preferably a nice hike in the hills or at the beach), practicing yoga or pilates. When at home you will find me in the kitchen. I love food – whether that be cooking or eating it!

I look forward to seeing you in the practice soon!

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